Choose from a variety of classes in art, computers, karate, fitness and more!
Michigan's driver education curriculum is split into two segments and is required for all teen drivers under age 18.
Latchkey is before and after school care. Latchkey is also available on delay mornings.
Recreation League Program offers a variety of sports through the year for pre-school through the 12th grade.
Youth Enrichment classes are short term classes held after school, early evenings or on Saturdays.
Art, Music, Photos, etc.
The Bedford Youth Cross Country Program is open to all boys and girls who will be in grades K-6 in the fall of 2023.
The Pre T-Ball Evening League is for pre-schoolers ages 3 1/2 - 5 years of age.
Soccer programs for Pre-school and leagues for K-6
Softball leagues for girls in grades 3-5 will focus on basics, skills development, rules, good sportsmanship and teamwork.
The Bedford Youth Coed Volleyball League is open to all boys & girls grades 3-8 who would like to improve their skills and play in an organized league.
Horseback Lessons: English Riding for students in grades K-12.
Come learn the fundamentals of lacrosse with BJHS coaches and players - catching, throwing, scooping and cradling. Learn the basic rules and penalties of the game.
Medically-oriented instruction series for boys and girls ages 11-13.
Geared toward pre-kindergarten students to help them learn and understand good safety habits.
Summer Band and Orchestra Programs - Summer band/orchestra is a good way to stay in touch with your friends and have a great time making music together!
Summer Parks is a drop-in and drop-out program for kids grades K-5.
Youth Swim Lessons at Brookwood Swim Club, 1565 W. Dean Rd., Temperance. We offer 5 levels, ages 6 months - 16 years.
Students will have fun learning or honing their tennis skills and techniques through various drills while learning the rules of the game. Campers will be divided into groups according to age and skill level (Grades K-8)